The rising tech competence has led enterprises to be aggressively at the forefront of planning a digital transformation, developing robust mobile solutions, and being ahead of their competitors. 

Especially with the accelerating pace of modern technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc., a mobile app development framework gaining the most popularity is non-other than Python. 

Infact, as Python topped both the Tiobe and Pypl 2022 indexes of programming language popularity, we know that the Python programming language is a primary dominant of the app development marketplace. 

Further, this blog will discuss the intricacies of Python app development and explore what the leading programming language entails for mobile app development companies. 

Ready to read? Let’s Begin!

How digital transformation can grow your business?

An Overview of Python

As read above, Python is one of the top dynamic programming languages empowering business leaders with rich GUI libraries, packages, and dynamic web frameworks to build a robust website and mobile product’s backend, enabling seamless data processing and communicating with databases, URL routing, and ensuring security. 

Introduced by Guido van Rossum in 1991, Python was initially released as a general interpreted programming language focusing on two primary goals – modularity and code readability.

Throughout its nearly 30 years, Python has witnessed significant growth and acceptance as one of the most widely used programming languages. It is easy to understand and learn and can run on several platforms, be it Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi, or Windows.

Further to simply Python, here’s a quick run-through of three of its significant properties as a programming language:

Interpreted– An interpreted language is known as an interpreted language because of the primary ability to process or analyze every line of the source code individually and sequentially. For instance, every time an interpreter experiences an error, the codebase stops and significantly shows the error with details to ensure it’s resolved. 

Object-Oriented– OOL, aka Object-Oriented Language in simpler terms, executes the object idea, which means:

  • Data is termed as a field
  • Attributes exist
  • The adherence to code, properties, and development structure.

The seamless breakdown of code snippets makes programming simple while enhancing the code’s reusability and maintainability.

High-Level Language– Being a high-level language, Python executes significant abstractions from the computer’s instructions. However, in essence, Python is easy to understand, learn and use programming language renowned for its dynamic features, rich text analytics, image processing, deterministic programming, and data mining capabilities.

Additionally, some of Python’s top-quality features are:

  • Object-Oriented functionality
  • Automatic memory management
  • Ease in learning
  • Dynamic
  • Adaptable/Flexible
  • Extensible in C and C++

Let’s understand why Python is becoming one of the app developers’ and enterprises’ most preferred programming languages.

Why has Python become so Popular?

  1. Asynchronous Development

One of the top reasons Python has become the most popular programming language is its asynchronous development, which can seem more troublesome than linear programming but can effectively improve your mobile app’s performance and responsiveness. 

Simply put, Python’s multiprocessing allows CPU-bound task solutions to execute multiple things without hindrance in performance. For example, when working on app development using Python, your application requires the integration of 6 databases when deploying network changes. Python’s multiprocessing can flawlessly help assist each task running on its CPU and simultaneously reduce the execution time, making the whole process easy and efficient. 

  1. An Active Support Community

We all have witnessed the drawbacks of working with programming languages that lack documentation or developer support. But with the Python web app framework, another upper hand for app development companies and experts is the availability and easy access to plenty of documentation, guides, tutorials, and much more. 

Additionally, with app development using Python, developers can reach out to the active developer community to get help promptly in the middle of crunch time.

  1. Support from Renowned Corporate Sponsors

Another essential aspect of Python becoming a renowned Programming language is its corporate support from well-known entities like Facebook, Amazon Web Services, and especially Google.

We all know about Python’s adoption by Google in 2006 and the vast utilization of the language for numerous applications and platforms since then. Being heavily backed by known brands empowers Python immensely, laying down another reason for being the most popular programming language. 

  1. A Plethora of Libraries and Frameworks

Because of the corporate support, sponsorship, and supportive python community, app development using Python becomes more manageable and more effective with the plethora of excellent libraries that app development experts can leverage save time and effort. Moreover, many highly beneficial cloud media services offer cross-platform support through library-like tools with a specific focus on functionality and feature building.

Some of the top frameworks and libraries available for python language are:

  • nltk for natural language processing 
  • scikit-learn for machine learning applications
  • matplotib for plotting charts and graphs
  • SciPy for engineering applications, science, and mathematics
  • BeautifulSoup for HTML parsing and XML
  • NumPy for scientific computing
  • Django for server-side web development
  1. Compatibility with Modern Technologies 

With the accelerating dominance of new-age technologies like Big Data, Cloud Computing, AI, ML, etc., enterprises are highly invested in leveraging these technologies to build a mobile solution that reciprocates business impact and helps them get ahead of the competition. 

Further, one of the most prominent reasons for the skyrocketed success of Python is the seamless capability of supporting app development using Big Data, machine learning, AI systems, and various modern technologies.

The Most Sought-after Tools for App Development using Python

Here’s a quick run-through of the most in-demand python app development tools you should know:

python app development tools


Django’s prominent OSS web framework in Python enables quicker development and expedient, intuitive design for developing python web apps in lesser time while ensuring security.


Pyramid is a smaller yet faster web framework for Python 2 and 3, aiming to help make it simpler to design Restful APIs and develop web apps quickly, proffering the core tools for mapping code URLs, serving static assets, and ensuring security.


BeeWare is primarily a suite of libraries and tools for building and deploying native apps in Python. BeeWare is accompanied by an OS native – Toga, and a cross-platform GUI toolkit, which can easily be used for cross-platform app development using Python. 


Falcon is another high-performing Python web framework for building extensive applications with robust backends and dynamic microservices. Initially, Falcon applications work best with any ASGI or WSGI server and run under yPy version 3.5+ and CPython version 3.5+. 


Kivy is an open-source, GPU-accelerated, cross-platform, and business-friendly Python web framework library for faster app development using intuitive UI.


CherryPy is an object-oriented Python web framework that runs on Python 2.7+, 3.5+, Android, PyPy, and Jython to craft web apps. Furthermore, CherryPy has a flexible plugin- system and built-in tools for caching, authentication, encoding, static content, sessions, testing support, and many more.


Yet another widely used lightweight microframework for Python web development is Flask. An extensible yet straightforward, up-to-date, and modern python microframework which comes with the ability to scale up complex apps and ease the whole app development process.  

Popular Applications Built using Python

python app development examples

Types of Apps you can Develop using Python

As one of the fastest-growing programming languages, Python can build robust applications, whether a simple enterprise application development or complex e-commerce application development. Due to the active community support, ease of use, corporate backup, continuously growing tech capability, and the versatility of its code, business leaders, can easily rely on the performance and competence of Python app development. 

Further, the top 5 types of applications that tech enthusiasts can strategize building are:

  1. Blockchain Applications

We all might agree that one of the fastest growing new age technology dominating the technology industry is non-other Blockchain. There is tough competition amongst businesses to leverage blockchain and develop a mobility solution or a product that offers value and helps them get ahead in the market.  

And Blockchain technology being comparatively a newer technology, still poses a challenge for enterprises. However, as a straightforward, easy-to-learn, high-level interpreted programming language, Python effectively supports app development experts who envision building mobile products or solutions with blockchain technology. 

Using Python web app framework – Flask, mobile app developers can send HTTP requests to interact over the internet with blockchain and easily create endpoints that enable the seamless working of dynamic blockchain functions. 

  1. Audio-Video Applications

Another kind of application that enterprises can plan to develop using Python is different types of audio and video applications. Being supported by renowned corporate entities, Python is well equipped with many libraries, like PyDub and OpenCV, which can help build a highly effective, robust end product.

  1. Game Applications

Leveraging the Python and Pygame frameworks can help a Python app development company design intuitive game prototypes and perform real-time testing flawlessly. In addition, Python can also help build game-designing tools that can support robust game app development— for example, making dialog trees and level designs. 

Further, “BattleField 2″ and “EVE Online” are two of the most prominent examples of game app development using python. 


  1. Command–line Applications

Python is an excellent programming language equipped with Real-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) feature and numerous open-source Python libraries that enables top app development companies to evaluate new tech possibilities and build console or command-line apps that don’t have a graphical UI (GUI). 

  1. Machine Learning Applications

Like blockchain, another trending technology dominating the business marketplace is Machine Learning. And a programming language that best fits the requirements of machine learning app developers is none other than Python. 


Proficient libraries like Pandas and Scikit that accompany Python can be used under a GNU license, making it easier for top app development companies to build robust machine-learning applications that help enterprises pave the way for unparalleled growth and competitive advantage.

Wrapping it Up!

With all that read, you might clearly understand how well-equipped the most popular programming language – Python- is and how seamlessly tech leaders can choose it over other app development frameworks.

Further, suppose you are a tech enthusiast planning to begin Python app development and don’t know how to get started. In that case, it’s always best to reach out to experts with a proven track record of goal-oriented mobile app development using Python. 

As the best Python app development company with an unprecedented track of 12+ years in developing some of the most impactful and outstanding mobile solutions, we can be your best bet on creating a robust mobile app that can result in business success. So, stop contemplating and get in touch with us to explore opportunities.